The EliSpot quantitatively measure the cytokine or antibody release of single T- or B-cells after stimulation with a specific antigen to determine the immune status.
EliSpot can be used for analysis during cancer therapies, autoimmune- and infectious diseases and vaccine development. With regard to allergies, the reactivity of T- and B-cells to allergens can be assessed, as well as a classification into Th1- or Th2-dominated response. Furthermore, the immune status of organ recipients can be evaluated and a characterization and stratification of patients for personalized immunosuppressive therapy is possible.
For the vaccine development quantification and functionality of antigen-specific T-cells and the determination of T-cell immunogenicity of vaccines can be found out. Not least, specific antibody-producing B-cells, the reactivity to autoantigens or cancer vaccines after vaccination can be analyzed.